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How to use it in turf establishment?
- For new construction, renovations or
- Use with seeding, sprigging or sodding
- Use on greens, tees, playing fields and
other high traffic - high maintenance areas
- Use on lawn, medians, parks, recreation
areas -- anywhere you grow grass
- Can be used with other amendments like
peat or compost
- Blend
offsite with sand/soil supplier
- Apply on site known amount
by setting up grids (sports fields)
- Apply with fertilizer
spreader (golf green)
- Till or rake into the
desired top root zone depth (top 3-4 inches minimum, 6 inch recommended,
full root zone best) (sports field) (golf
- ZeoPro provides
significant starter fertilization, you can use up to 50% less supplemental
fertilization during the first 30-45 days