What products are available? ZeoPro & ZeoPro Lite ZeoPro is the patent protected nutrient charged zeoponic material and is available in two particle sizes (G for golf course use and H for horticultural and other uses) and various nutrient guaranteed levels. ZeoPro Lite is a high quality zeolite based product naturally high in potassium content. Specifications for individual products are listed below. ZeoPro Lite Available in both G and H sizes. Naturally green in color with high CEC , low clay content, and high particle strength and durability.
ZeoPro grade "G" (for sand based turf) Specially formulated for use with sand based turf systems. Sized for USGA greens.
ZeoPro grade "H" (where a larger particle is better) Formulated for use with non sand based media such as natural soils, peat based potting mixes, road medians, etc.
ZeoPro Plus grade "G Plus" (higher nutrient content) Formulated for use with germination mixes and sand based root zones where more nutrients are desired .
ZeoPro Plus grade "H Plus" (more nutrients, larger particles) Formulated for use in non sand based root zones where higher nutrient content is needed, such as reclamation, three and shrub transplanting, potting mixes for high feeding plants, etc.
ZeoPro Organic grade "G" . Specially formulated for use with sand based turf systems. Sized for USGA greens.
ZeoPro Organic grade "H" formula for non-sand based media such as natural soils, peat based mixes, other outdoor planting, etc.
ZeoPro is available in plastic 50 pound bags (see picture below) or in one ton supersacks. These supersacks have lifting straps and a discharge spout and come on a pallet for ease of transport. Custom bagging is also available. See ZeoponiX for details.