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The materials tested included a control (no zeoponic material added, USGA graded sand with 10% peat) and three zeoponic products tested with additions of 5%, 10% and 20% by volume. Zeoponic material was mixed
uniformly in the entire 12 inch root zone. The plots were seeded July 21, 1996 with "Cato" creeping bentgrass at a rate of one pound of seed per 1000 square feet. Plots were fertilized at a "normal" rate (0.25 lbs
N/wk/1000 ft2, plus other primary nutrients and micro nutrients) or at ½ xor 2x normal. Root weights were collected on October 24, 1996 (95 days) by taking 5 samples per plot, each 23 mm in diameter. The 5 subsamples
were combined to produce one sample per plot. Roots were washed and final dry weights measured. The graph below and the picture above show the root mass developments for one of the zeoponic
products at the three different amendment rates compared to the control. The control and the 5% and 10 % zeoponic amended plots shown received the "normal" fertilization while the 20% zeoponic amended plot shown received ½
normal fertilization. The graph vividly demonstrates the root mass in the 20% ZeoponiXamended plot was 5 times the root mass of the control. |
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2000 by ZeoponiX, Inc. and Boulder Innovative Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 19105, Boulder, CO 80308 USA (303) 673-00098