Zeoponic Technology

Tomato (Veg 1.3)

ZeoponiX consumer (hobbyist) Tomato Production

     The effects of various  ZeoponiX growth materials on consumer production of tomatoes was evaluated in a randomized complete block design experiment with 3 replications.  The test was conducted by ZeoponiX, Inc. under contract to Boulder Innovative Technologies, Inc. The tomato hybrid "Better Boy" was utilized.  The experiment was conducted in 6" pots with two pots comprising an experimental unit.  The control was a 40:60 v/v mixture of sand and a peat:perlite (3:1) potting mix. 


The ZeoponiX materials were added at 20%, 40% and 60%, substituting for sand.  One starter plug was transplanted into each pot on March 21, 1996 and the pots were placed in a greenhouse heated to 65F and ventilated to 85F.   The control received a conventional fertigation rate of 250 ml of 200 ppm N as 20-10-20 plus micronutrients once per week during the first 5 weeks of growth, and three times weekly from 5 weeks to the end of the experiment.  The ZeoponiX treatments were not fertilized.  All pots received water daily as needed.
     Midcrop data were collected on May 4, 1996 and May 24, 1996 and consisted of plant height, cluster counts and tomato counts.  First fruit was harvested on June 4, 1996 on day 75 after transplanting.  Fruit was harvested whenever ripe and weighed.  The experiment was concluded on July 22, 1996.
     Under consumer or hobbyist gardner growing conditions, ZeoponiX amended potting mix at rates of 40% v/v and 60% v/v with no fertilization resulted in 73% and 92% higher tomato yield than the control with full routine fertilization.   No fertilizer or nutrient solutions need to be applied to produce tomatoes, although it is likely some fertilization would increase growth and fruit production during the latter stages of the growth cycle. 


Copyright 2000 by ZeoponiX, Inc. and Boulder Innovative Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 19105, Boulder, CO 80308 USA   (303) 673-00098