Zeoponic Technology

Vegetable Research and Application

ZeoponiX has conducted a number of studies with ZeoProTM and other zeoponic materials as an amendment in the production of vegetables.  These tests have been greenhouse tests involving tomatoes.  ZeoProTM was added to the conventional growth media, normally a peat:perlite mix at different levels.  The tests include tomato starter plugs (Veg 1.1), tomato transplants, a hobbyist tomato production, and commercial tomato production both in a production greenhouse and a university research facility.  Summaries of these tests are available on this site.  Just click on a button below to see a summary of the test of interest.


Picture    Tomato Starter Plugs


Picture    Tomato Transplant Study


Picture    Hobbyist Tomato Production


Picture    Commercial Tomato Production


Picture    Hydroponic Media Comparison


Copyright 2000 ZeoponiX, Inc.  P.O. Box 19105, Boulder, CO 80308   (303) 673-0098    E-mail  zeoponix@zeoponix.com