Zeoponic Technology

Tomato (MSU)

Comparative Hydroponic - Leachate Research

     The effects on greenhouse tomato bag culture fruit production and leachate quality of blending ZeoponiX mediums into composted pine bark at varying percentages (25% up to 50%), compared to 100% pine bark, or rock wool or perlite, was tested in a complete random block experiment (16 plants/plot, 3 replicates).   The trials were conducted by Mississippi State University under contract to Boulder Innovative Technologies, coordinated by ZeoponiX, Inc.  


Two ZeoponiX formulations and  three controls of various standard growth media were included.  The tomato "Blitz" , an indeterminate Dutch hybrid beefsteak type was the test plant.   Plants were transplanted on 9 January 1997 and harvested twice weekly through June 1997.   Most treatments received season long fertilization , two ZeoponiX treatments received no added nutrients to evaluate the pre- charged nutrient life in the media.   Fruit production data and cull data were collected.  Leachate was collected weekly, media samples beginning and end.  Fruit and leaf tissue was analyzed for quality and nutrient content, respectively.    
     ZeoponiX medium (Z3) in treatment 3 produced the highest total fruit yield and the highest marketable fruit yield, slightly higher than perlite in total , and 12% greater than rockwool for marketable fruit.  See the graph.   The ZeoponiX treatments generally led in time with production compared to other media types.  No significant differences in fruit quality were observed .  It was noteworthy that the nutrient loaded zeoponix media was as low in soluble salts as the uncharged standard mediums.   The researchers concluded that ZeoponiX's growth mediums show promise for decreasing nutrient leaching and using  lower rates of soluble fertilizer  use.

Copyright 2000 by ZeoponiX, Inc. and Boulder Innovative Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 19105, Boulder, CO 80308 USA   (303) 673-00098
