Zeoponic Technology

Marigold (Flo 2.1) -  4" Pot Production

No supplemental fertilization used to produce superior plants using ZeoponiX materials


0% Control

10% Z4

20% Z4

30% Z4

40% Z4

     The American Marigold hybrid Excel Series F1 Yellow was the test variety.  Based upon replicated (6X) complete randomized block experiments, the effects of blending ZeoponiX mediums into standard peat:perlite (3:1) potting mixes was evaluated.  Nine ZeoponiX formulations at 10, 20, 30, and 40% by volume, and two controls were included.   Plants were grown in 10 cm (4") round pots, watered daily as needed and fertilized once per week with either standard (200 ppm 20-10-20 plus micro-nutrients), or 0.5X standard (100 ppm) or with no added soluble nutrients.
     The photo and graph illustrate the improvement in plant performance for the ZeoponiX medium (labeled Z4) versus the controls (complete fertilization and without nutrient feed).   The ZeoponiX treatments received no supplemental fertilization.
     The ZeoponiX Z4 treatments had increasingly higher bloom counts,  plant dimensions and dry weights with increasing content of ZeoponiX  medium Z4 in the peat:perlite medium.   No upper threshold of performance improvement was found in the range 10% to 40% by volume. 


Copyright 2000 by ZeoponiX, Inc. and Boulder Innovative Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 19105, Boulder, CO 80308 USA  (303) 673-00098