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Tomato (Veg 1.1) |
ZeoponiX Tomato Starter Plug Production |
The effects of the rate of ZeoponiX materials addition (10% -30%) to a conventional peat:perlite (3:1) potting mix on tomato starter plug production was evaluated in a randomized complete block design
experiment with 3 replications. The test was conducted by ZeoponiX, Inc. under contract to Boulder Innovative Technologies, Inc. The tomato hybrid "Better Boy" was utilized. Seeds were planted on January 8,
1996 and placed in a growth chamber. |
Emergence data were collected through day 6 at which time all experimental units had reached 50% emergence. On day 9 the tomatoes were transferred to a greenhouse. Growth continued
through day 37 when plants were harvested and the experiment concluded. The control was fertilized weekly with 150 ml of 100 ppm N as 20-20-20 Peter's solution plus micronutrients. The zeoponically amended treatments
received no supplemental fertilization. Emergence rate, plant height at two dates, number of usable plants (out of 16), number of leaves, leaf size rating, fresh and dry weights were collected. The
results show that ZeoponiX material addition can provide all of the necessary nutrients for plug production and that zeoponic rate addition levels affect starter plug growth and performance. A zeoponic rate of 10% v/v, with
no supplemental fertilization, produces plugs similar in size and quality to a conventional starter plug mix fertilized with nutrient solution.. This simplifies production . Higher zeoponic rates improved
plug quality. The higher rates could be used to shorten crop time. |
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