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Bentgrass (Turf 1.1) Turfgrass Establishment - Greenhouse |
A greenhouse test of the effect of ZeoponiX materials on creeping bentgrass establishment in sand-based tray culture was conducted by ZeoponiX, Inc. A randomized complete block design with three
replications was selected. The sand control was a golf course greensmix sand (90:10 v/v sand:peat). The control was fertilized with a conventional preplant incorporated fertilizer rate for putting green
establishment which consisted of 1 lbs N per 1000 ft2 as 20- 20-20 plus micronutrients. |
The two ZeoponiX materials tested were amended at 10% v/v and no fertilizer was applied. The test was conducted in greenhouse trays 11" long x 10" wide x 2.5" deep. Penncross creeping
bentgrass was sown at a rate equivalent to 1 lbs seed/ 1000 ft2 on March 12, 1996. Turf quality evaluations were made and grass clippings harvested on April 18, 1996. ZeoponiX materials offer attractive properties as
turfgrass amendments. This technology offers a way to accelerate grass establishment during new green and tee construction, and turf renovation and repairs. The graphs at below show clipping yield and percent cover at
36 days after sowing. |
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2000 by ZeoponiX, Inc. and Boulder Innovative Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 19105 Boulder, CO 80308 USA
(303) 673-00098 |