Zeoponic Technology

Bentgrass (Turf 2.1)
Turfgrass Establishment  -  3
" incorporation

A test of the effects of ZeoponiX products on putting green turfgrass establishment and quality was conducted with a randomized complete block design with 3 replications.  The test was conducted by ZeoponiX, Inc. and consisted of 3' by 2' plots constructed to meet USGA putting green specifications with respect to particle size, drainage lines, gravel layer, intermediate layer and root zone layer. 


Control (0%) and ZeoPro (10%) at three weeks after sowing

The ZeoponiX materials were added at a rate of 10% v/v to the top 3 inches.  Weekly topdress applications of ZeoponiX materials, week 2-7, were at a rate of 150 lbs per 1000 ft2 using a 10% v/v ZeoponiX:sand mixture.  Treatments with "normal" fertilization received an initial application of one lbs N as 20-10-20 water soluble fertilizer plus micronutrients per 1000 ft2 pre-plant incorporated to a depth of 3 inches.  After sowing 6 biweekly applications of 0.5 lbs N as 20- 10-20 plus micronutrients per 1000 ft2 were broadcast and watered in so that 4 lbs N/1000 ft2 were ultimately applied.  Treatments with ½ "normal" fertilization received ½ the above levels.  Data were collected on turf quality, color, uniformity, density and percent cover (weekly for 8 weeks) and clipping yield (week 5).
Turf grown in ZeoponiX materials outperformed the control treatments in dry matter production, percent turf cover, and turf quality.  Differences were dramatic.  ZeoponiX products accelerate establishment enough that plots should become playable sooner than traditional grow-in programs  Fertilization levels can be reduced when using ZeoponiX materials.


Copyright 2000 by ZeoponiX, Inc. and Boulder Innovative Technologies, Inc.
P. O. Box 19105, Boulder, CO 80308 USA   (303) 673-00098