Bedding Plant Trial ZeoProTM Super Research Program Several species were tested for response to varying levels of soluble fertilization and varying levels of ZeoProSuper incorporated into a into a custom peat based growth medium. The tests were conducted cooperatively by ZeoponiX and Welby Gardens in Denver, Colorado. Species tested included two varieties of petunia (Welby Plum and Supercascade Burgundy), gomphrena (Buddy), and lavender (Lady). Plants were plug transplanted on February 2, 2000 into bedding plant 4 x 8 pack flats. ZeoProSuper was used at ~1% by volume and these treatments received no additional fertilizer except one time at planting. The controls without ZeoPro received supplemental fertility levels of ~300 ppm N on approximately 3 day intervals. All flats were watered as needed. Based upon replicated flats (6X) block experiments, the effects of these treatments were measured during production stage. Research Summary The photos illustrate the comparative plant performance for the ZeoPro treatments versus the controls at 46 days after planting. ZeoPro treatments are on the left, controls on the right in each picture. The "Supercascade Burgundy" petunia responded more favorably to ZeoPro than the "Welby Plum" , which seems to be a heavier feeder although both performed acceptably. The "Buddy" gomphrena performed well with ZeoPro as the only source of fertilizer despite a somewhat slower start than the controls. The "Lady" lavender performed virtually identical for the water only ZeoPro treatment and the fully fertilized controls. Lavender, Lady Gomphrena, Buddy
Supercascade Burgundy Petunia Welby Plum Petunia
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